Web-technologies in learning English

Do you know how the development of technology has affected the study of English? Previously, the pages on the Internet were as simple as possible. But over time, this began to change and was subsequently divided into eras. Namely Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

Web 1.0 as an initial stage could not boast of almost anything. Static pages, forums and chats were created to give interactivity.

Web 2.0 is the principle of attracting users to the content and multiple reconciliation of information material, that is, these are projects and services that are actively developed and improved by users themselves: blogs, wiki, social networks, etc.

Web 3.0 can be formulated as getting rid of the shortcomings of 2.0. Special attention is paid to the quality of services and content, management and filling of information is transferred to the hands of professionals. However, this concept has other disadvantages related to the increasing inability of the user to remain anonymous, to submit to certain rules of web services, etc.

With the development of the Internet, there are more opportunities to learn different languages. you can not only read but also practice on the Internet. watch instructional videos, as well as communicate with native speakers.

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